Audiance: Young People
Migraine Trust: Young Sufferers
A section of the Migraine Trust website dedicated to children and young people who suffer with migraines.
Communication: Helpful strategies for people who have difficulties in communicating and being understood
This guide contains successful strategies for clearer communication for CYPs with learning disabilities or communication difficulties.
Love Life: resources for young people with learning disabilities
A collection of films and supporting resources aimed at young people aged 11 to 25 to help them learn strategies for staying safe.
MeeTwo (Tellmi): A Safe Social Media Solution To Improve Teenage Wellbeing
An app for young people which provides peer support, expert help, inbuilt educational and creative resources as well as in app links to UK charities and helplines. Meetwo is now rebranded as “tellmi”
The Patient Revolution: Plan your conversation tools
A website with tools to help provide patients and caregivers with the tools and support to be full partners in clinical conversations with healthcare professionals.
A checklist to a good transition
A checklist aimed at improving the experiences of young people moving from familiar children’s services into adult services.
PMLD – Involve Me
A Mencap project about how to creatively involve people with profound and multiple disabilities (PMLD) in decision making.
Wiki-Me (Rebranded as Multi Me): a family held digital information sharing and communication tool
A new digital platform being developed and trialled with CYPs with special educational needs and disabilities, their families and the people who work with them. Now rebranded as ‘Multi me’
Facing the Future Superhero
A webpage with information and activities about RCPCH’s Facing the Future standards and CYP rights.
Fixing my anxiety: Young people fixing anxiety issues
The Fixing My Anxiety project allowed young people suffering from anxiety conditions to communicate their lived
experiences and proposed solutions.