Author: Contra Agency
Addressing the Health Literacy needs of children and young people…
‘Why … Why …Why’..?!’ It’s a plea many of us are all too familiar with, that pursuit for information, a thirst for knowledge from young children ….even those children who are non-verbal seek understanding, explanations, a curiosity in their eyes often matched with an earnestness and whilst young people may be hesitant in coming forward…
Specialised Play and Activities – Guest blog
As Health Care Providers (HCPs) we strive to enhance and support C&YP during any health and clinical input. We do this in a positive, honest way and with a willingness to learn. It is within our capabilities to promote active involvement in health and care, as well as improve emotional and well-being services, feedback and collaboration between…
Empowering, motivating – differences communication with Me first model can make
Everyone communicates in some way or form. No matter how big or small the gesture is to move forward, the communication needs to be reciprocated – it is this part where we know that someone is listening to us and that they care. Children and young people specifically, are at a time in their life…
Do we really listen to children and young people in health care?
Thank you Gill Phillips of Whose Shoes? for this wonderful cross-post from her blog. I love it when I find the right partners. We see the opportunity to do something imaginative together and we just get on and do it. ‘JFDI’ It is one of the biggest advantages of being a small organisation. And so…
My experience
Why the Me first model will make a difference to the experience of CYPs I was 14 and sitting in the gynaecologist’s office, being told a load of words I didn’t understand. She spoke too fast and using too much jargon for me to know what she was talking about. ‘But it’s ok, we can…
Hello from Kath Evans
Hello my name is Kath Evans and I’m Head of Patient Experience at NHS England where I focus on improving Children and Young People’s experiences of care. I was chatting with Amy this week, a member of the NHS Youth forum and I was blown away when she told me she chaired her multi-disciplinary meeting…