If anyone has been within an inch of Twitter recently, you’ll have probably been bombarded with tweets from the Me first team and #CYPMefirst. We’ve not only just had our first, incredibly successful Twitter chat (thank you to everyone who made it such a great conversation!) but we’ve also been shortlisted for three more awards.…
I work in the Me first team as the project coordinator and I am also a freelance medical role player (actor) in various NHS medical education communication training settings for exams and communication skills practice. My experience in medical education (from the perspective of playing a patient) has been quite illuminating. I was surprised to…
Alison realised that emotions needed to be something a child can see as well as feel, in order to take control of them. By creating Ollie and making his emotions in to super powers, Alison has given children a simplistic but powerful method of deciding what they feel and when. Ollie and his super powers…
Is ‘It Could Be Worse’ really the best we can do? It is one of those phrases that has become commonplace, a saying that anyone who has experienced suffering or disappointment has probably heard countless times. It just rolls of the tongue- “It could be worse”. Becoming complacent about such a seemingly harmless phrase is…
Me first, the Health Education England (HEE) sponsored project dedicated to improving communication between children, young people and healthcare professionals, took home the double at the recent Patient Experience Network (PEN) National Awards in Birmingham. The PEN awards are the first and only national awards programme that recognises best practice in patient experience in all…
“All London TB Extended Contact Tracing Team (LTBEx) nurses attended the Me first children and young people centred communication training and it opened our eyes to as to how we could improve our communication with the children that we saw. In our work we would see children and young people of all ages, we would…
WOW community blog drafted by Sarah Best – Visit website The Me first project aims to put children and young people at the centre of the conversations about their health and healthcare. Children and young people say that good communication is more than eye contact or body language. It is about involving them in choices…
Hi, I’m Amy and I have a long term health condition called Vocal Cord Dysfunction. As a young person, I struggled with a lot of the issues tackled in this report – like not being able to achieve at school due to time spent in hospital, feeling the odd one out in PE lessons and…
The given definition of communication is this: the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. (Source: Oxford Dictionary of English) Just words and body language right? It is something that is natural to us all, we communicate everyday – for some of us it is the…
‘Why … Why …Why’..?!’ It’s a plea many of us are all too familiar with, that pursuit for information, a thirst for knowledge from young children ….even those children who are non-verbal seek understanding, explanations, a curiosity in their eyes often matched with an earnestness and whilst young people may be hesitant in coming forward…