Content Type: Video or Film
Video: Mental health in children – deciding what’s best together
A short film exploring the importance of shared decision making in mental health.
What to expect at your forensic assessment appointment
A video to reassure children before they attend for forensic assessment.
Singing Hands
Singing Hands introduces you to the amazing world of signing with Makaton.
Little Translators: Explaining new MRI techniques
Audience: children, young people, healthcare professionals, parents Phoebe and her friend Alice help explain Dr Patrick Hales’ research. Phoebe is a childhood cancer survivor. Dr Hales is researching new scanning techniques to improve brain cancer diagnosis and monitoring of childhood cancer. This video could be shown to a child to prepare them for an MRI…
Children’s Epilepsy Surgery Service video
In this video children from around England talk openly about their experience of epilepsy.
The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain
A Ted Talk exploring how the ‘social brain’ develops in adolescents.
When I Worry About Things
When I Worry About Things is a collection of animated films that use personal testimony to explore mental health issues from the perspective of children.
Talking Mental Health
Audience: children, young people, healthcare professionals, parents Talking Mental Health is an animation designed to help begin conversations about mental health. The film was designed with a classroom setting in mind but the principles can also apply to a healthcare setting, as well as to every day home and family life. It aims to give…
Developmental Language Disorder: Hidden but common
This short video introduces people to developmental language disorder.
Patient Experience video at CHFT Children’s Ward
This short film shows the patient journey in the children’s wards across Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust.