Content Type: Website
My Family Our Needs
A resource for parents of children with additional needs
Young Minds: Your guide to CAMHS
A beginner’s guide to the NHS’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for young people and parents.
Little Hearts Matter: Preparation for Hospital
A webpage with advice about how to prepare children for the later stages of surgery or for a hospital admission for a cardiac catheter
A website with easy read health information for children and young people with learning disabilities.
My Care Transfer
A bespoke digital platform designed to help families looking after seriously ill children to communicate effectively with care professionals.
Hidden health – a parent-led card and toolkit
A toolkit for parents to help raise awareness of hidden health conditions such as epilepsy, asthma, heart conditions and mental health needs.
Migraine Trust: Young Sufferers
A section of the Migraine Trust website dedicated to children and young people who suffer with migraines.
Raising our Sights guides
A series of how-to guides and films to help local areas meet the needs of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities.
How social workers can protect children with learning disabilities from sexual exploitation
An article providing tips for social workers about how they can protect children with learning disabilities from sexual exploitation.
Spotting the signs of child sexual exploitation for children with learning disabilities
A series of leaflets that identify the signs of sexual exploitation for children with learning disabilities