Model Stage: Always explore my wellbeing, safety and relationships

The Advocate’s Gateway

A website offering free access to practical, evidence-based guidance on vulnerable witnesses and defendants. 

Opening doors: suggested practice for medical professionals for when a child might be close to telling about abuse

This article gives practical, evidence-based guidance on responding carefully to young children in early years settings, using an ‘open doors’ framework.

How it is: An image vocabulary for children about: feelings, rights and safety, personal care and sexuality

This image vocabulary was developed to support children to communicate about a range of important issues.

Love Life: resources for young people with learning disabilities

A collection of films and supporting resources aimed at young people aged 11 to 25 to help them learn strategies for staying safe.

Me first Three houses tool

A tool to help CYPs identify what is going well, what they are worried about and what their hopes and goals are.

MeeTwo (Tellmi): A Safe Social Media Solution To Improve Teenage Wellbeing

An app for young people which provides peer support, expert help, inbuilt educational and creative resources as well as in app links to UK charities and helplines. Meetwo is now rebranded as “tellmi”