Model Stage: How do you know what is important to me?
Videos about using Talking Mats with school-age children and teens
A video that shows a way of helping CYPs to express their thoughts, opinions & wishes using Talking Mats.
Raising our Sights guides
A series of how-to guides and films to help local areas meet the needs of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities.
Valuing the Views of Children with a Learning Disability
Audience: healthcare professionals, commissioners This booklet is a resource for anyone involved in supporting children with learning disabilities, including: • Professionals responsible for developing Education, Health and Care plans for children with learning disabilities (EHCPs) • Professionals conducting Care, Education and Treatment reviews (CETRs) for children with learning disabilities in hospital settings or community CETRs…
Teens in hospital video
A video exploring ways to improve the hospital experience for young people.
What makes an ideal nurse? A teen and children’s perspective
This booklet presents findings from research about what young people believe makes an ideal nurse.
Children Coming to Hospital videos
Two short animations and a comic strip which aim to make hospital visits better for children.
Ask Listen Do: Making conversations count in health, social care and education
Tips for health, social care and education organisations and practitioners for making feedback, concerns and complaints easier for people with a learning disability, autistic people, families and carers.
The Patient Revolution: Plan your conversation tools
A website with tools to help provide patients and caregivers with the tools and support to be full partners in clinical conversations with healthcare professionals.
Children tell us what they value most from their doctor
Children explain what doctors can do to make them feel better.
Identifying readiness to change
A tool to help identify readiness to change for work with children and young people.