Model Stage: What will happen next?
Freddie gets a letter
A short film to encourage young people not to worry about coming into hospital.
Young Minds: Your guide to CAMHS
A beginner’s guide to the NHS’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for young people and parents.
My Hospital Journey
A booklet to help prepare a child for a hospital visit.
My Care Transfer
A bespoke digital platform designed to help families looking after seriously ill children to communicate effectively with care professionals.
NHS Youth Forum: Peer Support Resources
A collection of peer support resources for young people.
Talking to children about dying
A guide with tips for talking to children about death.
A checklist to a good transition
A checklist aimed at improving the experiences of young people moving from familiar children’s services into adult services.
Being honest and open is key -communicating to those involved about what to expect, what’s a normal time frame, why there’s a change in plan and what this means.
The little book about kidneys
A guide for children about kidney disease and treatment.
My parents are separating: children’s guide to family court
A children’s guide to family court.