Diabetes Care ABCDEFG Plan
1 likesAudience: children and young people with communication difficulties, as well as their parents and carers and healthcare professionals

This is a series of A4 posters using pictures and symbols to explain diabetes to children or young people who have difficulties with learning, speech, literacy, language or hearing.
They could be used by a healthcare professional to aid a conversation during a clinic appointment, or can be printed and given to a child, young person, parent or carer to take home and refer back to for advice.
Guidance is split into the following categories:
A – Advice
B – Blood pressure
C – Cholesterol
D – Diabetes control
E – Eyes
F – Feet
G – Guardian drugs
This resource was developed by Widget Health in partnership with Warwick University, Warwick Diabetes Care Research User Group and the George Eliot Diabetes Care Team.