Hetty’s Hospital app


Audience: children, parents

This free app is an exciting and engaging way to help children reduce their anxiety when visiting the hospital.

Hetty has a tummy ache and needs to go to hospital where she will have an ultrasound. This is the story of her visit to the hospital: she will learn all about what happens and even gets to give her stuffed toy an ultrasound. Hetty meets new friends and they each need different imaging techniques, including X-Ray, MRI, and CAT scans.

Priya has a chest infection, Charlie has a broken leg, and Freddie has a concussion. We follow them through the hospital while they are looked after and play games to help you understand what might happen to them. You’ll also meet Pete the Porter, Nurse Ethel, and other characters in the hospital that will help the children get better.

Learn about: nebulisers, ultrasounds, MRI scanners, and CAT scans.

Based on the original idea of Dr Ria Evans and Dr Rebecca Duncombe. Created by Global Initiative. Generously supported by NHS 2023 Challenge and The Initiative Fund.

Download Hetty’s Hospital app for Android

Download Hetty’s Hospital app for Iphone