Wiki-Me (Rebranded as Multi Me): a family held digital information sharing and communication tool

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Audience: children, young people, parents, healthcare professionals

Wiki-Me is a  new digital platform being developed and trialled in Herefordshire with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, their families and the people who work with them.

The Wiki-Me platform combines  simple, secure personal website and social networking functions and enable communication, co-operation and joined up support for an individual’s family, friends, professionals and community circles.

The use of pictures, videos, sound, text and messages enable individuals and their families, along with the professionals involved in their education and care, to keep in touch and learn from each other whilst making personalised education, health and care a reality.

Families can use Wiki-Me to store and update important information and choose who they share it with. It can support care planning, goal setting and review meetings.

This resource is shared by the Wellbeing Information and Signposting for Herefordshire website.

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