
Let me know that you are worried about me

Let me know that you are worried about me

  • If you feel worried or concerned about me, always say something, even if you are unsure
  • Explain why you are worried about me
  • Be clear and descriptive – what did you see or notice that made you concerned?

Young people say

“You can tell when a professional notices something is wrong. If they don’t say anything then it makes you feel like it’s obviously not that important or it’s not much of an issue. In a way, if makes you feel like what’s happening to you is OK or you deserve it.” Young Person

“I know from experience that healthcare professionals have seen that things are wrong and didn’t say anything. So I didn’t say anything. I didn’t say anything for over a year, because I just thought, well if they don’t say anything to me about it, then it’s normal. Maybe it is right.” Young Person

“Opening up the conversation is the hardest part for young people. We need you to do this for us. Invite us to start the conversation – open little doors for us.” Young Person

“If you ask and nothing is going on, young people don’t mind.” Young Person

“Always say something. Like, put yourself in our shoes but also think about what effect it could have if you don’t say something. Think about the difference you could make if you do say something.” Young Person

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“If you are worried about a young person, they need to know you are worried about them. You could say things like: ‘I know something is wrong, I want to understand from you what it is and how I can help you.’”

Young person

“Acknowledging and opening up to the fact that something is wrong is the hardest part. Professionals should be direct and say something like ‘ I’m worried. I know something is wrong, so tell me about it.’”

Young person

“We say what we see. We keep it descriptive and just say what we’ve noticed and try not to make assumptions about their behaviours. For example we say things like: ‘I notice that when your boyfriend is around you seem really nervous’ or ‘I noticed when I asked you about XX, that you seemed nervous and this makes me feel worried. I could be wrong, but it’s important for me to check in case there’s anything you wanted to talk about?’”

Safeguarding lead

“We often ‘think out loud’ to let the young person know we are worried about them. For example, we might say things like ‘if I was in your situation, I might be feeling like XX – I just wonder if that’s how you’re feeling?’ or ‘I’m feeling worried, I wonder if you’re feeling worried about something?’”

Mental health nurse

“If you’re worried and don't say anything then young people pick up on this. It can make them worried or suspicious about what you will do. Being open about why you’re worried builds trust. For example, I’ve said things like ‘I notice you’ve come here a number of times and it feels like there is something you’re worried about – I wanted to let you know that you can always talk to us.’”

“I’ll always be open and honest – you’ve told me XY and Z – this makes me a bit worried about you and I want to understand so I can support you.’ It’s best to be open and direct as they’ll pick up if you’re worried and don't say anything or try to skirt around it.”

Safeguarding lead

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