
Blog & News

Read the latest insights and topics related to child and young person-centred communication. Have ideas for a future article?  Write for us!

Things I wish I had known long ago…

11th October 2019

In the spring of this year, I retired from my job as a paediatrician. I have been reflecting on what knowledge might have been useful to have at the start of my career rather than acquired later on, along with grey hair and reading glasses. As a newly-appointed consultant, I thought my role was to…

NEW! Listen to our Me first GOSH pods

9th September 2019

Me first and the GOSH Learning Academy have created some new podcasts about their project and our training. Listen to these podcasts on  Soundcloud. Introduction to Me first. Me first and the importance of youth participation. Conversations about Safeguarding Concerns. Conversations about Transition.

Once upon a time…

28th June 2019

Stories form a part of every child’s life – they help us to understand our culture, history, world, and also allow children to find themselves in stories. #CYPMefirst offers resources and ideas about communicating with children and young people, and I see books and stories as part of these resources. Who else can remember their…

How Me first training delegates use their goals in practice

29th May 2019

This year marks the 5th anniversary of Me first training and as a team we have been reflecting on how health and care professionals use Me first in their practice. It has been useful to review the feedback we receive from delegates about how they have progressed towards their Me first goals. Goal setting is…

Me first Communication Champions network event 4th June

17th May 2019

On 4th June we will be hosting a Communication Champions network event at the Royal London Hospital themed around Transition. Anyone who has attended Me first training is eligible to attend these free events. We will have a guest speaker: Neil Fletcher,  Roald Dahl Nurse for teenagers and young adults at Barts Health NHS Trust.…

Conquering difficult conversations: Championing end of life communication and planning

30th April 2019

The Me first Communication Champions network is a group of health and care professionals who have completed Me first training and meet three times a year for themed events, where we listen to guest speakers, share ideas and learn from case studies.  A Me first communication champion is a person who: Applies and promotes children…

Putting evidence into practice

19th March 2019

We are delighted that the Me first communication model has been published in the March publication of the RCNi Nursing Children and Young People journal!

My experiences of using health coaching in paediatric physiotherapy

5th March 2019

How can health coaching be beneficial in physiotherapy? Rachel Naunton explores how it has developed her skills in helping young people take more ownership of their health.

Creating alternative Worry Bags: helping CYPs to manage their worries

11th January 2019

Research Health Play Specialist, Sian Spencer-Little, shares her creative ideas for helping children to share and work out their emotions.

Self reflections about CYP centered communication and feedback

30th November 2018

How do we know how well we’re communicating? What’s the difference between how we think we come across, and what the other person actually hears or understands? Rachel Naunton explores the reflective tools that can be used to help evaluate your communication.