Conversations About Safeguarding Concerns
This 3-hour, online, interactive, training module will develop your knowledge, skills and confidence in opening up helpful conversations with children and young people when there are concerns about their safety, welfare or wellbeing. You do not need to have completed the Me first Fundamentals Foundation course to attend this training. The training can form part of the additional blended learning required for Level 3 safeguarding.
It will help you to…
- Explore the common scenarios where you have concerns about a child or young person.
- Understand children and young people’s experiences of talking about safeguarding, mental health or other sensitive issues.
- Develop your skills and confidence to understand and apply the Me first: CYP Centred Conversations About Safeguarding Concerns communication model to facilitate CYP-centred conversations.
The development of the conversations about safeguarding concerns training was funded by NHS England.
Upcoming training
Cancellation and Refunds (applies to non-GOSH staff)
(Full details of our Cancellation and Refund Policy can be found when booking courses via Participant)
Deferrals of courses possible if requested within 14 days of start of course
10% administration fee incurred for all cancellations
Refunds only possible if cancelled within 14 days of booking course