Evidence base
The Me first communication model was developed from the literature and research on person centred communication and communicating with children and young people in healthcare; and developed in partnership with children, young people and healthcare staff.
Publications about the Me first programme:
Martin, K., Morton, L., Reid, J., Feltham, A., Reid, J.W., Jeremy, G. and McCulloch, J., (2019) The Me first communication model. Nursing Children and Young People, 31(2).
Key articles used for the development of the Me first model:
Beresford, B. and Sloper, T. (1999). The information needs of chronically ill or physically disabled children and adolescents. York: Social Policy Research Unit, University of York.
Ha, J. F. and Longnecker, N. (2010). ‘Doctor-Patient Communication: A Review’. The Ochsner Journal, 10 (1), 38-43.
Howells, R. J., Davies, H. A. and Silverman, J. D. (2006). ‘Teaching and learning consultation skills for paediatric practice’. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 91 (4), 367-370.
Levetown, M. (2008). ‘Communicating with children and families: from everyday interactions to skill in conveying distressing information’. Pediatrics, 121 (5), e1441-e1460.
Makoul, G. (2001). ‘Essential Elements of Communication in Medical Encounters: The Kalamazoo Consensus Statement’. Academic Medicine, 76 (4), 390-393.
Makoul, G. and Clayman, M. (2006). ‘An integrative model of shared decision making in medical encounters’.Patient Education and Counselling, 60,301-312.
Evaluation reports
Reid, J., Morton, L., Martin, K., Wolpert, M., Deighton, J., Edbrooke-Childs, J., Hayes, D., (2016) Me first Masterclass Evaluation Report
Eisenstein, C., Ford, A., (2017) Evaluation of the ‘Me first’ training on children & young people centred conversations about Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) & safeguarding concerns
A full bibliography for the Me first project is available here.