Feedback from Me first goals
At the end of every masterclass each delegate is asked to set a goal about how they will apply their learning from Me first training in their practice. We then contact delegates 8 weeks later to remind them of their goal and ask how they are progressing. This feedback helps to illustrate how learning from Me first training is applied in practice.
Examples of goals include:
‘Early on in the conversation if with a parent say that ‘I like to speak with all young people on their own, are you happy for this today?’ to the young person.’
‘Use emoji cards to explore how CYPs are feeling’.
‘To find a resource that backs up the idea of confidentiality. Adapt it to suit an individual.’
‘To use motivational interviewing techniques to open up my questioning and involve CYP in goal setting.’
‘Use the bullseye feedback resource at the end of appointment to review how useful a conversation has been for a CYP’
Examples of goals feedback: