Audience: young people

NHS Go is an app which helps young people take greater control over their health from an early age; make healthier choices and get advice and information on health issues from a trusted source when they don’t know where to go.

The website/app covers a number of different topics including:

  • Long term conditions (including Asthma, Autism, Cancer, Diabetes, Disability and Learning disabilities)
  • Sex and relationships (including puberty, periods/menstrual cycle, contraception)
  • Depression and anxiety (including stress, mental health, bullying, eating disorders, bereavement, wellbeing)
  • Smoking, drugs and alcohol
  • Eating healthily and exercise
  • Sleep (including insomnia and snoring)
  • Allergies, colds, flu and pains

NHS Go has been developed by Healthy London Partnership, a partnership between all 32 London Clinical Commissioning Groups, and NHS England (London region).

The app can be downloaded via the NHS Go website, the Google play store or the Apple App Store.