Model Stage: How do I know that you want to listen to me?

Guide to Producing Health Information for Children and Young People

A guide for producing child and young person-friendly information about health.

Videos about using Talking Mats with school-age children and teens

A video that shows a way of helping CYPs to express their thoughts, opinions & wishes using Talking Mats.

CYP feedback form

A feedback form for children following an interaction with a health or social care professional.

If you listen, you will hear us

A video showing how people with PMLD interact with staff, and how staff use their expertise to best communicate.

PMLD Link communication resources

A website with helpful resources about communicating with CYPs with profound and multiple learning disabilities. 

Communication: Helpful strategies for people who have difficulties in communicating and being understood

This guide contains successful strategies for clearer communication for CYPs with learning disabilities or communication difficulties.

Me first Conversation feedback tool

A tool to gain feedback from children and young people about how much they feel listened to.

Cerebra: guides for parents of children with a brain condition

A website with helpful guides for parents of children with a brain condition.

Wiki-Me (Rebranded as Multi Me): a family held digital information sharing and communication tool

A new digital platform being developed and trialled with CYPs with special educational needs and disabilities, their families and the people who work with them. Now rebranded as ‘Multi me’

Communicating with your young patients

This infographic can be used as an aid to good communication with young patients in a health clinic setting.