Audiance: Children

Children’s Epilepsy Surgery Service video

In this video children from around England talk openly about their experience of epilepsy.

The Fifteen Steps Challenge: Toolkit for children & young people

Quality from a patient’s perspective; A children and young people’s toolkit

Hand Washing Finger Puppets

Resources to explain and encourage hand washing for children and young people.

Worcestershire Children & Young People’s Speech & Language Therapy resources

A website with lots of speech and language therapy resources for children and young people, parents, and teachers.

Epilepsy Action: Just for Kids

‘Just for Kids’ is a collection of online resources, created to help children and parents understand epilepsy.

Mapping Team Goals: Team of Life

A methodology for the rich description of goals in work with children and families.

When I Worry About Things

When I Worry About Things is a collection of animated films that use personal testimony to explore mental health issues from the perspective of children.

Talking Mental Health

Audience: children, young people, healthcare professionals, parents Talking Mental Health is an animation designed to help begin conversations about mental health. The film was designed with a classroom setting in mind  but the principles can also apply to a healthcare setting, as well as to every day home and family life. It aims to give…

Developmental Language Disorder: Hidden but common

This short video introduces people to developmental language disorder.

Patient Experience video at CHFT Children’s Ward

This short film shows the patient journey in the children’s wards across Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust.