Audiance: Children

Facing the Future Superhero

A webpage with information and activities about RCPCH’s Facing the Future standards and CYP rights.

The little book about kidneys

A guide for children about kidney disease and treatment.

My parents are separating: children’s guide to family court

A children’s guide to family court.

‘Just Breathe’

Short film ‘Just Breathe’ helps children to manage their emotions.

Alternative pain chart

A pain chart to help children to communicate their pain level.

Hetty’s Hospital app

This free app helps children reduce their anxiety when visiting the hospital.

What to expect at your forensic assessment appointment

A video to reassure children before they attend for forensic assessment.

Singing Hands

Singing Hands introduces you to the amazing world of signing with Makaton.

Golden Rules Symbols resource

A communication tool for children and young people who are non-verbal, have speech & language difficulties, and/or have additional support needs.

Little Translators: Explaining new MRI techniques

Audience: children, young people, healthcare professionals, parents Phoebe and her friend Alice help explain Dr Patrick Hales’ research. Phoebe is a childhood cancer survivor. Dr Hales is researching new scanning techniques to improve brain cancer diagnosis and monitoring of childhood cancer. This video could be shown to a child to prepare them for an MRI…