Audiance: Parents

Children’s Epilepsy Surgery Service video

In this video children from around England talk openly about their experience of epilepsy.

Worcestershire Children & Young People’s Speech & Language Therapy resources

A website with lots of speech and language therapy resources for children and young people, parents, and teachers.

Preparing a child for loss

An information booklet with advice for parents about how to talk to a child or children about your death.

Epilepsy Action: Just for Kids

‘Just for Kids’ is a collection of online resources, created to help children and parents understand epilepsy.

The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain

A Ted Talk exploring how the ‘social brain’ develops in adolescents.

Irish Childhood Bereavement Care Pyramid

A guide for professionals & concerned adults in identifying & responding to the needs of children & young people who have experienced a loss.

Mapping Team Goals: Team of Life

A methodology for the rich description of goals in work with children and families.

When I Worry About Things

When I Worry About Things is a collection of animated films that use personal testimony to explore mental health issues from the perspective of children.

InfoKID: Information for parents & carers about children’s kidney conditions

InfoKID is a website which provides information for parents and carers about kidney conditions in babies, children and young people.

Talking Mental Health

Audience: children, young people, healthcare professionals, parents Talking Mental Health is an animation designed to help begin conversations about mental health. The film was designed with a classroom setting in mind  but the principles can also apply to a healthcare setting, as well as to every day home and family life. It aims to give…