Model Stage: Why Am I Here?
Freddie gets a letter
A short film to encourage young people not to worry about coming into hospital.
My Hospital Journey
A booklet to help prepare a child for a hospital visit.
Little Hearts Matter: Preparation for Hospital
A webpage with advice about how to prepare children for the later stages of surgery or for a hospital admission for a cardiac catheter
A website with easy read health information for children and young people with learning disabilities.
Migraine Trust: Young Sufferers
A section of the Migraine Trust website dedicated to children and young people who suffer with migraines.
Top tips for triaging and treating CYP with Down’s Syndrome
Advice for healthcare professionals treating CYP with Down’s Syndrome.
Developmentally Appropriate Healthcare Facilitator Guide
This toolkit is designed to share the learning from the Transition Research Programme with young people.
Hetty’s Hospital app
This free app helps children reduce their anxiety when visiting the hospital.
What to expect at your forensic assessment appointment
A video to reassure children before they attend for forensic assessment.
You’re Welcome: quality criteria for young people friendly health services
Quality criteria for making health services young people friendly.